Severe tooth decay can lead to tooth infection that ultimately leads to tooth extraction. Sometimes when nerve passes along the root of a wisdom tooth it can lead to parasthesia or anaesthesia of the affected area . Crowding of teeth in the jaw and those who require braces or half-broken teeth can cause tooth extraction. Dentists or oral surgeons perform this procedure usually under local or injectional anesthetic effects and sometimes even under general anesthesia. Extraction of visible teeth is comparatively a simpler procedure than non-visible or wisdom tooth extractions. The cost of dental extractions depends on the type of anesthesia that is being used and how complex the procedure is.
It is advisable to keep the mentioned things in check before extraction:
Dentists should be informed about the existing medicine regime.
- The surgeon will carry out an X-Ray before the procedure to determine the positioning of the tooth.
- In case of receiving intravenous (IV) anesthesia, short sleeve clothes should be worn for surgery.
- Eating and drinking should be stopped at least 6-8 hours before the surgery.
- Smoking should be avoided
- In case of nausea-like symptoms, a change in the type of anesthesia may be required.
- Company should be there to drive the patient home in case of General anesthesia.
- In case the patient is consuming ‘bisphosphonate’, it should be stopped before the surgery to avoid bone death of the jaw.
The dentist should be informed about the following conditions in advance:
- Heart disease
- Type-1 or Type-2 Diabetes
- Chronic or Acute Liver disease
- Hyper or Hypothyroidism
- Kidney dysfunction
- Compromised immune system
- Bacterial endocarditis history
Table of Contents
Feel free to skip ahead if one topic catches your eye:
- Do’s & Don’t Immediately after Tooth Extraction
- Aftercare for multiple teeth extraction
- Aftercare for wisdom tooth extraction
- Aftercare for tooth extraction in children
- Do’s & Don’t Immediately after Tooth Extraction
The patient is fully awake under local anesthesia in normal tooth extraction, which only numbs the particular area to extract the tooth, unlike wisdom tooth extraction. If all the steps of the procedure are followed correctly, then tooth extraction can be painless, still depending on the tooth. Usually, painkillers are not needed after the extraction as there is not much pain. But if the pain and uneasiness persist, it might be due to the development of an infection, and it is advised to visit the dentist again.
Do’s After Tooth Extraction:
- Rest and sleep with head elevated- It is advised to sleep with elevated head using a few pillows to let the blood clot and take it light and rest for about 24 to 48 hours, avoiding any vigorous activity after extraction.
- Apply ice – To numb the area and ease the pain after extraction, it is advised to bite upon an ice pack for at least 24 hours. Cold packs can also help relieve the swelling.
- Eating habits- It is advised to chew from the other side of the mouth until the wound heals completely. Ice creams can help relieve the swelling, numb the area, and soft to eat. Soups, yogurts and smoothies, eggs, and boiled potatoes are recommended to eat until the gum has completely healed and not hard ones as they can move the clot formed.
- Clean Mouth – Keeping the mouth clean by brushing teeth and gargling with salt water once in 24 hours will also avoid bacterial infections. More than once gargling can also inhibit clot formation.
- Gauze- gauze is placed by the dentist to promote clot formation and prevent bleeding. It is advisable to bite upon the gauze to promote healing and replace it after hours.
- Medications – Dentists prescribe OTC medicines for pain or antibiotics in case of some infection to avoid any complications and boost the healing process. All prescribed medicines should be taken as directed.
Don’ts After tooth Extraction:
- Hot foods or liquids – Hot eatables are prohibited for at least for next 48 hours under the effect of anesthesia as they can burn the tongue without any sensation of hotness. Also, hot food may dissolve the clot and lead to bleeding.
- Aspirin- Aspirin prevents clot formation and leads to blood-thinning; hence can cause bleeding.
- Inhibit Physical Exercise- Any sort of physical exercise like dancing or partying can lead to high blood pressure, which will dissolve the clot and cause excessive bleeding.
- Avoid poking and probing- Probing with the tongue or poking with the finger in the vacant socket can lead to the displacement of the clot which can lead to bleeding.
- Avoid spitting – Spitting may create pressure on the gums and can lead to bleeding and inhibit clot formation. Hence it is advised just to let the saliva drop out.
- Don’t blow or sneeze – Sudden sneezing or blowing the nose can increase the pressure in the mouth and displace the clot leading to bleeding more in the upper jaw.
- Don’t smoke – smoking can lead to hypoxia, where your tissues don’t receive enough oxygen to heal properly, leading to infection in the gums and bone.
- Smoking – Substances in cigarettes can cause dry sockets and hypoxia, leading to decreased oxygen supply to the tissue and a delayed healing process. Hence it is advised to avoid smoking for at least 2 days after the extraction.
- Use of straw – It is advised to avoid the use of a straw for the next 2-3 days as the drink needs to be sucked from the straw while drinking. This will lead to increased pressure on the gums and displace the clot leading to bleeding.

- Aftercare for multiple teeth extraction
The extraction of multiple teeth at once is very distinct from the extraction of one tooth. As the bone is to be molded and curved before insertion of a denture, that can cause sore spots. Swelling may be there for up to 2 days, and discoloration and swelling near the eye and cheek area can be relieved with the help of placing a warm cloth over it after 36 hours of extraction. Before that, ice packs need to be continued as usual. Steps immediately after surgery:
- Gauze pads should be kept on the affected gums until the gums keep bleeding for at least 1-2 hours after the extraction.
- Ice packs should be placed over the cheek to reduce the swelling 1-2 days after surgery.
- Use of straws, smoking, poking, probing, and strong mouth washing is prohibited as it can displace the clots and lead to bleeding.
- Medications should be taken as prescribed by the dentist timely after the anesthesia effect fades.
- Physical exercises should be avoided after surgery, and proper rest should be taken with the head placed at an elevated level.
- Fluid intake should be increased to 2-3 liters per day with soft and easily swallowable food. Use of straws, consumption of hot beverages, and hard food should be avoided for a few days.
- Aftercare for wisdom tooth extraction
Wisdom tooth extraction is usually done under general anesthesia as it is one of the most painful and difficult surgical procedures. Sometimes when nerve passes along the root of a wisdom tooth it can lead to parasthesia or anaesthesia of the affected area. Wisdom tooth extraction usually takes up a day and the patients are not allowed to eat or drink just before the anesthesia. Driving or travelling alone is dangerous just after the procedure and hence it is advisable to have a company for at least the next 24 hours or a few hours till the anesthesia completely wears off.
Directions to be followed after wisdom tooth extraction are mentioned below as these can decrease the pain, swelling, and chances of infection, reducing the healing time.
- Removal of gauze pad after the bleeding has stopped or 1 hour after extraction.
- Avoiding any sort of physical activities.
- Avoiding poking or probing the wounded gum.
- Avoiding vigorous rinsing and straw sucking.
- External ice pack application to reduce the swelling and discoloration.
- Consuming medicines as directed by the dentist.
- Aftercare for tooth extraction in children
3-4 days after extraction in children might be crucial as they feel extreme pain and soreness in the vacant socket. The below-mentioned steps should be followed to decrease the level of discomfort:
- Let the gauze stay for at least 24 hours, trick them into tolerating the wish to take out the gauze, peek at their wound and rinse the mouth lightly, which will help in clot formation and prevent infections.
- Children should be given appropriate complete rest till the effect of anaesthesia goes off and good quality sleep for the next 3-4 days.
- Children love ice cream, and the fact that ice cream is given after tooth extraction can make them forget the pain for a while. Other soft food items like soups, jellies, and shakes are also consumable.
- All prescribed medicines should be taken as directed timely. Paracetamol and Advil for children and other OTC medicines can be given to children to ease their pain.
- Cold ice packs should be used externally to reduce swelling and numb the area, reducing the pain.
- On incidence of fever and excessive bleeding, the child should be taken to the paediatric dentist immediately. Any doubts regarding the medicine should be cleared with the pharmacist.
On encounter of complications related to tooth extraction or delayed healing process the dentist should be contacted. At Dr Sahni’s Dental Clinic your dental problems will be catered to with great care and expertise. The clinic is equipped with Modern-day technology to carry out all the dental procedures smoothly.
- How Does the Gum Take to Heal?
The healing time depends on the kind of surgery and the location of the teeth. It may take up to 7-14 days to completely recover. This may sometimes exceed due to bone growths in gum.
- What to Do After Extraction?
If gaps between the teeth are left unfilled, it can lead to cavities in the neighbouring tooth exposed, and food particles can easily lodge there. Also, the gaps can cause the bending of the tooth towards the vacant socket. It is advisable to fill the spaces with bridges or Dental implants.
- Do teeth extractions hurt?
Due to the sedation, tooth extraction doesn’t pain to that extent. Also, the pain level depends on the tooth that is being extracted, like the front tooth does not pain that much compared to the wisdom tooth.